Thursday, February 11, 2010

What can Friends be

I was walking back from class today and this just came into my to mind from nowhere. I was wondering how friends can help you so much in life and how friends can also actually devastate your life.

All of us know that friends are important to all of us. They helped us through hard times and provide comfort to us especially when our family members are not around. Friends even wake you up when your parents couldn't wake you up for your class. When your parents are not around, they took care of you when you fall sick. They encourage you to do even better in anything.

However, what friends can be, can be another way round. There are certain friends who could hurt someone's heart without realizing it. Sometimes even discouraging them. For example, there are some friends involuntarily look down at their own friends for having a bad marks in exams. There are some who talk stuff that put their friends into deep thought. There are even some encourage to do things that they don't even know it's wrong.

Friends can never be replace by your parents. Your parents are the gift from God to protect and guide you through your life. As long they are in your heart, it heals everything because they are always there for you.

P.s.: I m not saying friends are not important. It's only that they come second after parents :-P

Thank you for reading. By the way, i have open another new site which link to this blog. So check it out at or you can just press the link at the top right of this page.


  1. Very true :) Friends are important especially when you are alone! In canada! :D That's what friends are for. Friends in Need are friends indeed. All the best Andy!
